Sunday Services
10:00am Worship Service in the Sanctuary

Knowing God
We are committed to the knowledge and worship of God, and pursuing personal relationship with him in all we do. To this end, we value the careful explanation of the Bible in our preaching and teaching, the personal study of scripture, and a community that encourages spiritual growth.

Living FReely
Because we know God loves and cares for us, we can live freely. We are learning to be liberated from the burden of earning God's love because it is freely given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Loving All
We seek to reflect God's love for humanity in our local and worldwide community. Our desire is to care for our neighbors locally, regionally and globally through loving service.
Leadership & PReaching
We are an elder-led church which means we do not have a senior/lead pastor. All major decisions are determined by the elder board. David Misson and Chris Tenny are the main teaching pastors who serve equally. Tanya Martinez also shares the pulpit along with guest preachers a few times a year. Expository Preaching is one of the core values of Willow Glen Bible Church. This means, we preach through a book of the Bible from start to finish, verse by verse.