"to train Christ’s followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ’s body, the church, until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ."

- Paul to the Ephesians, Chapter 4, The Message


Tanya Martinez

Women's Pastor
Women's Ministry

David Misson

Family Pastor
Preaching, Family Ministry

Chris Tenny

Preaching, Adult Electives


Caleb Brown

Youth Director

Lisa Dimmitt

Worship Director

Rebekah Frederickson

Administrative Assistant

Emma Jansen

Administrative Assistant

Mike Lipsey

Business Administrator

Cathy March

Children's Director K-5th

Tiffany Mazon

Children's Director 0-5 years


Willow Glen Bible Church is an elder led church seeking to care for God’s people according to the model given to the church in Scripture (Acts 14:23, 1 Peter 5:1-5, Titus 1:5-9 & others).
Significant decisions are made and the direction of the church determined only through the unanimous agreement of the board of elders after prayer and thorough seeking of the mind of the Lord in all matters.
Please reach out to any elder at any time with questions, concerns, prayer needs, or desires to meet.

Peter Handel


Joe Lynch


Jon Singley


Chris Tenny



The Deacon Ministry is a ministry of the people of Willow Glen Bible Church serving one another and our community in times of need. Our primary concern is meeting the practical needs that arise when someone is unable to meet a need themselves.  As Deacons, we sometimes need help meeting needs we cannot take care of by ourselves.  So we will request help from people in the church who may be able to help (i.e. providing meals, transportation, yard work, visitation, handyman, etc).
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress . . . James 1:27

Mary Lou Favela


Cindy Graham


Paul Henry


Peter Lenz


Chris Miner


John Taecker


Faith in Action

The Deacon Ministry is a ministry designed to reach out and help one another in our church body in times of need. We are offering everyone in our church body the opportunity to serve with us.  You won’t be expected to meet every need or serve every time there is a need.
Please click the link below and mark all the areas in which you are willing to serve.  Also indicate any restrictions, i.e. times you might not be available, etc.
Specifically for the Meals/Meal Train (providing meals to families), these meals can be home-made or store bought.
Thank you for your willingness to partner with us in this valuable ministry.
—The Deacons