Communion Instructions

Pre-Service Set Up

The set-up team will prepare Communion.  There paper doilies for the bread tray. Marian Hanson will leave the homemade communion bread on the counter.  If not check the freezer.

1.         Prepare 11 juice trays:  (Feel free to adjust as seen fit)
            a.         8 trays in the sanctuary
            b.        1 trays one with 40 cups used in balcony.
                        These trays have the dish for the bread on top.
            c.         1 tray with 8 cups for music team

2.         Prepare 8 bread trays
            a.         7 trays used in sanctuary (6 used in service, one is extra)
            b.        1 tray for the music
            c.         Balcony bread is in the small tray attached to the juice tray.

3.        Use gray cart to transport items in the elevator.

During Service

1 Usher serves the balcony + Mother’s Room
4 Ushers serves the sanctuary


a)    At the conclusion of the sermon, Ushers should move to the first pew in front of the communion table.  Ushers in the balcony stand to the side by the Mother’s Room.

b)    After the prayer is said for communion, the Head Usher should approach  the Communion table to give trays to servers.

c)    Hand out communion bread trays to each server.  On the floor of the sanctuary, two servers will serve two trays, and two servers serve one tray.  Therefore, there will be 6 trays moving at once: three trays per side.

d)    Ushers should then take their positions                      

Front  of Sanctuary
Side Aisel           Main Aisle           Side Aisle
X                              X     X                       X

X = ushers
2. After the bread is served all team members should come to the front together (except balcony), Bring their trays of bread placing them on the table, and stand ready to serve the juice.

3. After serving the juice, all team members should bring trays with juice to the front together (except balcony) and place on the table and then go to there seats..

4. If balcony folks could bring trays of bread and juice down at conclusion of service and place in bottom of cart, that would be nice.
Head Ushers will meet with you 20 minutes before the service to assign roles.


Communion servers take the stacked Communion trays downstairs to the kitchen.
a)        Empty the unused cups and throw away

b)        Throw away the unused bread

c)         Clean up any spills that may have occurred within the tray. Dry the tray.

d)        Return the stacked tray and lid to the communion cupboard. (Key is located on the kitchen key ring)

e)        Lock cupboard.
Ushers will grab a plastic bag from the roll of bags in the Usher closet and clean up cups from the pews after each service.