Online Directory

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my personal information safe?
The online directory will only be accessible by invitation from the church administration.  It will not be accessible from the outside.

Will my information automatically be included? 
Your information will not be added to the online directory until you give your permission. You must opt-in to the online directory.  The administration cannot add you without your express permission.   

What if I don't want all of my information shared?
You can personalize the information you would like shared. It can be as much or as little as you choose. For example, if you only want your name and email shared, you would click those boxes and once you save your settings, that is all of your information that will be published in the online directory.

Where will the online directory be accessible?
The online directory will be found on the app and on the resource page of the website.  You will only be able to access it with an account.  

How do I get an account?
As a part of our church database, you automatically already have an account through Planning Center.  You will receive the online directory invitation through your current account.

How do I join the Online Directory?
You will receive an invitation to opt-in to this online directory in your email from the church administration. Follow the steps below to join.

I never received an invitation to join the Online Directory.
It is possible we have incorrect data for you in our church database.  Contact the church office to correct any data and request to join the church online directory.

How  To  Join  the  Online  Directory

Step One

Once you have been invited to the Directory, sharing your information is a quick and easy process!
  • Log into Church Center using the email address the invite was sent to.

Step Two

  • Go to the Directory page.
  • Click the "Share it now" link.

Step Three

  • Check the box next to each person in your household that you'd like to be listed in the Directory.
  • Check the box next to each point of information you'd like to share for each individual.

Step Four

  • Add a household photo.
  • Click Join directory.

If at any time you need to make changes to any of your information or the information of  your household in the directory, click the Edit shared information link at the top of the directory.

For any other questions please contact the church office.