Meet Our Willow Glen Bible Church Missionaries

· Local Outreach
· International Outreach
·  Missionaries

BRuce & Julie Adamson

Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN  |  Converge Worldwide

After 25 years living among unreached peoples in other nations, the Adamsons are now engaged in diaspora ministry right here in the US.  Their "city strategy" seeks to foster real relationship with unreached people groups in cities around the  
country to minister and bring the gospel.  The long term vision is to form multiple gospel movements that ultimately not only impact immigrant communities, but eventually impact their lands of origin.

Tim & Bobbi Bettger

Ft. Benning, Georgia  |  Cadence International

Tim and Bobbi are with Cadence International (formerly OCSC) serving all branches of the U.S. military in American and overseas locations, as well as reaching out to foreign military. Tim and Bobbi open their home to soldiers and family members at Ft. Benning, GA through
home-cooked meals, hospitality, counseling, music, laughter, and Bible study. Displayed on the wall of their entryway is the passage of Scripture that motivates everything they do. “We loved you so much that we shared with you not only the gospel of God but our own lives too.”


The Phillippines  |  Wycliffe Bible Translators

The Jacobsons serve through Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL Philippines. In recent years ministry has focused on the Inabaknon Heritage Society, a non-profit created so that their 40 years among the Abaknon People may become locally self-sustaining. The IHS pursues discipleship via 1) intentional Christian 
community for Abaknon college scholars in Manila, 2) OT translation and Bible study guides at the IHS Center in Capul Town, and 3) A high school boys' dorm, tutoring programs and Bible studies. The vision is of a growing  Christian community on Capul Island hearing God's Word, knowing God's Son, and living God's Way.


Philippines  |  Converge Worldwide

Mary has served with a movement of churches called Converge for 29 years, mostly in the Philippines. She works alongside Filipinos, Thai, and Americans who are training, sending, and reaching unreached people.
She currently works with the Thai Buddhist Initiative and also mentors Filipino missionaries. Additionally, Mary serves on the board of Bethlehem Star of Peace (BSOP) sending gifted and equipped Filipinos to the world’s unreached peoples.

Barbara Metzler

Thailand  |  Ripe for Harvest World Outreach

 “Nothing happens in Thailand outside of relationship” quotes Barbara.  She has been working with the Chiang Mai University English Language Team (CELT) in Thailand since 2012. By helping doctors, residents and medical students improve their English and presentation skills, she develops relationships
 that allow her to share her hope in Christ. Barbara has moved closer to the university which enables her to host English speaking events and share her life with university students, some of whom also sublet rooms in her home.

Kevin & Courtney Patao

San Jose, CA  |  Cru City

We work with Cru City, here in San Jose, CA.  Through this ministry we have been reaching out beyond the university. Cru City gives us the freedom to minister holistically: right where we are, meeting practical needs for immigrants; and partnering with churches in other ways instead of just financially. 
Likewise, because of our cross-cultural experience, our audience is young professional immigrants, internationals, and refugees.

Join with us in prayer for our city.

Honili Sema

San Jose, CA  |  City Team San Jose

Honili ministers with City Team in San Jose, as part of the management team caring for hundreds of people in crisis. Up to 50 men are in residence as they recover from addiction and often homelessness. Up to another 20 can live in as they 
work to get back into a place where they can afford rent. Meanwhile over 1,000 men, women and children receive healthy meals each week and all are loved and presented with the hope and life of the Gospel of Jesus.

Robert Sondah

Liberia, Africa  |  Child Development Liberia 

Robert Sondah is the director of Child Development Liberia. He and his family have experienced first-hand the turmoil of the Liberian Civil War, twice having to flee out of country for fear of their lives. Children are Liberia’s future leaders and Robert hopes the Lord will use this ministry to give them a firm foundation in Christ and reshape the future of the country.

Child Development Liberia provides for the needs of the whole child - educational, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Children attend school 5 days per week. 
They receive a quality education, a nutritious meal, clean drinking water, and interactive bible lessons where they learn and experience God’s great love for them.

Child Development Liberia has a dedicated team of teachers and staff who are committed to changing the lives of children through education and the transforming love of Jesus.


Cobani, Moldova  |   Neemia Ministries

Victor & Lili established Neemia (Nehemia) Charity in 2015 for spiritual, social, economic, and educational renewal in the village of Cobani (Coh-bahn) in Northern Moldova.
Neemia’s work is focused on bringing hope to the hopeless of all ages through a variety of programs and outreach. 
These include feeding, educational, sports and fun activities in the Community Center (built by Victor and team), as well as outreach and feeding programs for the infirm and elderly throughout the village. In all, the hope and good news of the Gospel of Jesus is communicated through word & deed.

Jonathan ZingkHai

Oakland, CA  |  City Team Oakland

Jonathan’s City Team Oakland ministry is focused on the homeless, hurting, broken, and addicted.  As a Recovery Program Manager, his role is to create a safe and healing environment where addicted people can be free to take risk, be honest and transparent, and to experience God’s grace.  
The ultimate desire is to share & teach Christ’s unconditional and redemptive love through care of immediate needs while enabling lasting solutions. Jonathan also pursues the families of the women in residence to offer hope, healing and wholeness, fostering reconciliation and restoration.

What Does it mean to be a Willow Glen Bible Church MIssionary?

Willow Glen Bible Church missionaries are recognized for their gifting, effectiveness, and maturity in the vocational mission field.

While we are not the official sending organization, we desire to give these missionaries a stage at WGBC to connect with and know the church body for relationship, encouragement, & support (prayer, spiritual, and/or financial).
Each missionary has a Care Team from our church community. These are small groups of folks committed to praying for and communicating with our missionaries on an ongoing basis, as well as advocating for them amongst the WGBC community.
Financial support varies depending on each missionary’s circumstances and need. WGBC maintains a Missions Account to which anyone can donate, trusting the elders to distribute to missionaries as needed. We also encourage our people, as they are led by the Lord, to give directly to our missionaries through their sending organizations.