Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!
Psalm 66:5

On this page we will post updates from the ministries we support here in our city, our community and around the world.

Liberia Trips 2025

Two teams are going to Liberia this year. Our goal is to continue building relationships and blessing the children and teachers. They have invited us to do the following:

  • The February 15 - 22 team will be doing a teacher training and repairing a house where several teachers live.

  • The March 15 - 23 team will be doing a VBS for 300 students at the Omega school, a Bible conference for the teachers, and continuing construction on the teachers’ house and cement school.

The teams appreciate your prayers and support! If you would like to help with the cost of the construction and VBS materials, and provide funds for the 65 teachers to attend the conferences (lunch, water, transportation), please go to this link to donate.


This Advent Conspiracy season we asked you to help us Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More and Love All.  We presented you with the opportunities to love our Willow Glen Elementary Families through Tiger Cares, CityTeam’s House of Light ministry, and Nehemiah Ministries in Moldova.

This year WGBC provided 35 warm jackets for the 24 Tiger Cares families.   WGBC also collected over $1,000 for the ongoing needs of these Tiger Cares families for the rest of the school year.  

CityTeam’s House of Light will receive over $5,700 to help build a much needed ADU space to provide another bedroom, as well as a workout space and a children’s play space.

And finally you helped raise over $15,200 to help Nehemiah Ministries care for the elderly shut-ins with coal and staple foods for the cold Moldova winter.  Our Moldova team will be heading there in February and we are excited to hear from them when they return as to all God is doing.

Thank you for your generosity and care for these ministries.  We praise the Lord with you and want to continue to be in prayer for each of them.


January 2025

Due to your continued generosity and support of the Child Development Liberia ministry, we are happy to report that not only did we meet the $25,000 matching grant from a very generous donor, we were blessed to receive almost $69,000 in total donations!

These donations will be used to support school operations, windows for the program #2 kinder wing, and electrification of the two campuses. Thank you for your continued prayer for students, teachers, and our Liberia Missionary partner, Robert Sondah.

Nehemia Ministries Moldova

January 2025 Update

Nehemia Ministries Moldova

May 2024 Update

February 2024 CityTeam in the Neighborhood WGBC Pantry Report

Here is the latest from Victor Zama in Moldova


Update 1/18/2024

This year for Advent Conspiracy we put four ministry opportunities before you, and the Lord showed up through you this Advent season!

TIGER CARES: Willow Glen Elementary
We helped sponsor 18 families from our Willow Glen Elementary School and our community.  All received gifts for Christmas, grocery gift cards, warm blankets, and an opportunity to "shop" in the free store for pajamas for the kids, socks, books and additional blankets.  Through tears and hugs each one was overwhelmed with gratitude.

In addition, donations of over $1,600 will go toward ongoing love and support for these families through the end of the year.

We asked you to partner with us as we help City Team begin Phase Two of the Grace Village project by helping to build a community center for all of the women and children to have learning support, child care, and spaces to enjoy fellowship together.

Over $500 came in to our church, but that doesn't count the amount that many of you donated directly to CityTeam for the project.  

Thank you for your generous support of CityTeam San Jose.

Paulette shared the amazing work that God is doing through Kids Club in Cameroon. They have a safe place to go each afternoon where they are learning how much God loves them.

Over $600 came in to our church for SAYAP Africa, but that doesn't count the amount that many of you donated directly to SAYAP Africa's website.

Thank you for your generous support of SAYAP Africa.

David Belgum and Curry Chadwell shared the overwhelming poverty in Moldova and the deep need for coal, wood and food staples for the poor and elderly living in Cobani, Moldova. Because of WGBC's care for them over the years, many of them faithfully pray for Willow Glen Bible Church.

Your generous donations will send over $4,000 to provide these staples to get these poor and elderly through the winter.

Thank you for your generous gifts to Moldova.

Child Development Liberia

Update 1/14/2024

Happy New Year, my partners and dear friends!

I am writing this letter to express my deepest gratitude for your incredible generosity and support. Your selfless actions have touched my heart and made a lasting impact on my life. Thank you for the support you have shown us throughout our partnership. Your trust, encouragement, and assistance have been such huge blessings to the work we do.

Please permit me to mention just few of the many ways you have blessed our lives....the construction of  the Omega community school, staff salary increment, staff Bible Training Conference, the training of our teachers, and equipping our science lab. All of the above have greatly strengthened our hands for achieving the goals of our ministry. We continue to see the impact in the lives of the children we serve.

Every time I think of all the things you've done and continue to do for our ministry, my heart swells with gratitude. Your kindness and support have touched me in ways I can not even  express. You've been a constant source of comfort and a shoulder to lean on.

Thank you so much, and remain blessed.

Robert Sondah

Robert Sondah


Update 1/14/2024

Willow Glen Cares sent Willow Glen Bible Church a thank you note for participating in the Turkey Drive.  
Thank you to all who participated this year.


Update 1/07/2024

Our Willow Glen Bible Church pantry through CityTeam in the Neighborhood gives out free groceries in our church parking lot and to the Brace Apartments families two Tuesdays per month.  City Team has shared the impact our pantry has had on the community this past year:

In summary for the last fiscal quarter, we had 500+ visits to the pantry providing over 16,000 meals for our neighbors. Our prayer is that our Willow Glen neighbors feel our love for them through this ministry.