NEEMIA MInistries, Moldova

Neemia (Nehemia) Ministries in Moldova is an outreach of mercy, evangelism, and discipleship in the Eastern European country of Moldova. Born and raised in Moldova, Victor Zama and his wife Lili, live and minister in the village of Cobani (Co-bahn). There, they seek to bring life giving truth to this rural region where religion is widespread, but the life giving gospel of Jesus is yet to be truly known in many areas.

This Advent Conspiracy Season, help heat a home and/or feed a household in Cobani for the whole winter.

Each donation of $50 will provide wood to heat homes and / or large amounts of food staples for the winter months.

Every cent of every donation goes directly to meet family needs in this largely impoverished village.

Checks can be made out to WGBC with “Moldova” in the memo line. Or you can give online and select Moldova from the drop down menu.

Contact David Belgum for more information.