Safety & Protocols

for all outdoor gatherings

including worship services, bible studies, community groups, etc. meeting at church or in private homes.

(Taken from County Regulations)
● Ensure each attendee is wearing a mask
● Have a Check-in Station:
  • Take attendance (keep your notes in case future notification of illness is required)
  • Take temperature of yourself and each attendee (WGBC recommendation)
● Ensure that there is enough outdoor space to accommodate attendees safely, and make sure social distancing protocols are followed at all times.
                 -If temperature recorded is 100*, attendee has a fever and should leave.
-Make note of who it was, when they arrived and who they came in contact with
-Cancel the event
-Indicate that an individual has arrived with a fever
  • Encourage attendees to contact their Healthcare provider for guidance (testing or self quarantine procedures may be suggested)
  • Ask attendees to observe social distancing as they leave
  • Follow County Protocols if notification of illness is required