Requests from the week of 05.10.2020

  • I thank God my doctor just called and said there is no cancer. I am so grateful for your prayers and concern.
  • Pray for my friend facing another year of infertility treatment.
  • Pray for my friend fighting for her life with a rare disease.
  • Praise for another year of life.
  • Pray I find a new job.
  • Praise for this time to slow down and reflect on what matters.
  • Pray for my husband whose workload has increased. It feels like we still don’t see him even though he never leaves the house.
  • Pray for my students as they take their final exams.
  • Pray for our graduates.
  • Pray for me as I start a new job.
  • Pray for my hard heart.
  • Pray for my loved one struggling with depression.





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