Requests from the week of February 25, 2024

  • Praise for mom passing away peacefully and all the prayers over the years.
  • Pray for my daughter's collarbone to heal and praise she will not need surgery. Praise for church family helping out.
  • Praise for our community group and their help.
  • Praise for the lady who bought me food. Praise for her kindness.
  • Praise my mom is doing better from a medical emergency.
  • Praise for all the help putting on a memorial service for my dad.
  • Pray for my wife's father Bob as he is struggling with health and memory issues.
  • Pray for healing for my aunt in the hospital.
  • Pray continuously for my colleague to endure three more rounds of chemo with God’s strength and hope.
  • Pray for God’s provision of financial gifts for Union Church in San Salvador so they can maintain the building for His glory.
  • Pray for my son to return to the Lord.
  • Pray for my friends' grandson who is in ICU.
  • Pray for my mother and brother to grow their belief in Christ.
  • Pray for healing & peace in a divided country.
  • Praise for our church coming together, standing united even in difficult times.
  • Pray as I continue studying for exams.  
  • Pray for my aunt as she is undergoing surgery and recovery.
  • Pray for those dealing with illness, new allergies,
  • Praise for my brother. Pray he will seek God no matter the circumstances.

WGBC Missionary Focus: Tim & Bobbi Bettger
WGBC Outreach Focus: Mexico Mission
WGBC Ministry Focus: Youth Ministry





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