Requests from the week of March 21, 2021

  • Praise for a successful surgery. Pray for my husband's recovery and that the brain tumor does not regrow.
  • Pray for my marriage.
  • Praise for a diagnosis.  Pray for my health journey.
  • Praise for a new job.
  • Pray for my friends who feel unsafe.
  • Pray for those affected by the recent shootings.
  • Pray for my friends who are struggling with distance learning.  May asking for help become normal.
  • Pray for a place of belonging and safety for my friends.
  • Pray for our teachers as they prepare for in person learning.
  • Pray for those struggling with mental health issues.
  • Praise my friends' move was smooth and safe.
  • Pray for my friends as they grieve.
  • Pray for less self-centeredness and more sacrifice for others.





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