Requests from the week of December 12, 2021

  • Please pray for healing for my granddaughter's friend who has Covid.
  • Pray that my granddaughter will see this as an answer to prayer, and her heart would be opened to Jesus.
  • Pray for my friend facing 6-7 weeks of antibiotics to treat a spine infection.
  • Praise my mother-in-law's foot surgery was a success.
  • Pray for my job transition.
  • Pray for peace & healing, strength & blessings.
  • Pray for my friends whose mother just passed away.
  • Pray for all those who have been blessed by our Advent Conspiracy program this year.  May they know God's love in new ways.  
  • Pray for my friend being audited as part of the visa process. Pray everything goes smoothly.
  • Pray for my friend and his relationships.
  • Pray for God to work mightily.





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