Requests from the week of January 9, 2022

  • Pray for my roommate who is having to do dialysis. He's struggling with this and is having problems sleeping.  
  • Pray for my daughter and her husband to recover from COVID.
  • Pray for all those struggling with broken relationships and the strength to remain hopeful for healing.
  • Pray for those tested positive for COVID.
  • Pray for healing and peace in a divided world. Pray for light and an end of the tunnel.
  • Praise for a great start to a new year at Kids Club.  Praise for each child and volunteer.
  • Pray for our Kids Club kids to know Jesus. 
  • Pray for the health and safety of our kids and volunteers. 
  • Pray we'd find subs for Kids Club.
  • Pray for all of our teachers and administrators to remain healthy. Pray for their emotional health as well.
  • Pray for healing and hearts of compassion toward the hurting.





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