Body Life & Requests from the week of 5/8/22

  • Pray for me as it's my first Mother’s Day without my mother and my sister. Pray for my nephews without their mom. 
  • Pray for son's home to be protected from fires in New Mexico.
  • Pray for the San Jose YoungLife and Capernum group as they rebuild after the pandemic. Pray for new relationships with the local schools, new leadership teams and the ability to reach more students. 
  • Pray for summer camps and kids who have never gone to camp before to come to know Christ.
  • Praise for the youth group's trip to Mexico and what God did in everyone's hearts. 
  • Pray for how the Allegra show is coming together. 
  • Pray for all those who are grieving today.
  • Pray for a staff shortage at work and all the extra work and stress. May they be able to hire more help soon. 
  • Pray for our family as my brother passed away. 
  • Pray for guidance where God wants me to live that will spread the gospel most.
  • Pray for teachers, students, and staff as school years come to an end.
  • Pray for our graduates and the decisions and changes they face.
  • Pray for my husband in the hospital with pneumonia.  Pray that the Lord would use this time to draw him into a closer relationship with Jesus.

WGBC Outreach: Sacred Heart Community Service
WGBC Missionaries
: Jeff Nelson
WGBC Ministry: 
Bible Studies





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